Page about me
Registered users get their own ‘page about me’, a profile page to tell the world all about yourself.
Unlike articles, your page about me can include promotional information, logos, links to your website and so on. This is an opportunity to write a personal or company profile that tells other users about you, your qualifications and work experience, or if you represent a company, your products and services. It can include your contact details if you wish.
You can then insert your user signature at the end of articles that you are the main author of. Just log in, edit the article, move the cursor to the end of the article and click the 'insert signature' button.
Our signature looks like this --designing buildings 10:46, 22 May 2014 (BST)
Your user profile will then automatically appear at the top of the article when you save it. Like ours does at the top of this page.
NB If an article already exists, and you significantly develop it, you can still add your signature, even though you didn't create it. If it already has a user signature from a previous author, but you develop the article substantially, so that you are the main author, you can delete the existing signature and insert your own. The previous author's details will still appear in the article history.
To create a page about me, click REGISTER at the top of the screen. To edit your page about me, log in and click EDIT MY PROFILE at the top of the screen.
BIM Directory
[edit] Building Information Modelling (BIM)
[edit] Information Requirements
Employer's Information Requirements (EIR)
Organisational Information Requirements (OIR)
Asset Information Requirements (AIR)
[edit] Information Models
Project Information Model (PIM)
[edit] Collaborative Practices
Industry Foundation Classes (IFC)